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Is the heating tube electrically charged?

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Is the heating tube electrically charged?

Date of release:2019-05-19 Author: Click:

As a nanomembrane quartz heating tube manufacturer, today Xiaobian will come to talk with you about whether the heating tube is charged.

For the question of whether the heating tube surface is charged, our answer is, of course, not charged. The core element of the electric heating tube is the electric heating wire, which is filled with specific insulation and good thermal conductivity magnesium oxide powder. When there is current in the electric heating wire, the heat generated is uniformly transferred to the surface of the electric heating tube through the magnesium oxide powder, and then transferred to the heated medium. Processing and production strive to achieve better insulation, pressure resistance, moisture resistance, so that it plays a role in the industry at the same time more safe and reliable.

Therefore, the surface of the electric heating tube is not charged, because the resistance wire only transfers heat through the magnesium oxide powder rather than electricity. The selection of the filling absolute material directly affects the life of the electric heat pipe. Therefore, in the selection of filling insulation materials, magnesium oxide powder will continue to increase with the temperature, so that the insulation performance will continue to change. Therefore, the production of electric heat pipes is required to choose different temperatures of magnesium oxide powder according to different operating temperatures, so the price of electric heat pipes will be endless. In general, the higher the operating temperature, the higher the purity of magnesium oxide required, and the higher the cost.

To a large extent, it is due to the different selection of raw materials and different costs. At the same time, now China's magnesium oxide powder resources are becoming more and more scarce, the cost is constantly increasing, so the price is also constantly increasing, from this aspect can also be seen that the future price trend of electric heating tubes will continue to rise.

If you would like to know more about nanomembrane quartz heating tubes, please feel free to contact us.

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