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Why are heating pipes made of quartz?

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Why are heating pipes made of quartz?

Date of release:2019-06-15 Author: Click:

As a nanomembrane quartz heating tube manufacturer, today Xiaobian will come to talk to you about why the heating tube should be made of quartz.

There are many kinds of heating tubes, first of all, according to the different heating wires can be divided into wire heating tubes, including all kinds of alloy wires, tungsten wires, etc., which belong to wire heating tubes, and non-metallic wire heating tubes, which include carbon fiber and second-generation carbon fiber and so on. Secondly, according to the external protective layer of the heating tube, it can be divided into metal heating tubes, such as the stainless steel heating tube we are familiar with, various flanged heating tubes, etc., and the rest belongs to non-metallic heating tubes, that is, quartz heating tubes and ceramic heating tubes.

Nanomembrane quartz heating tube

The reason why quartz occupies a place in the heating pipe industry is because of its excellent characteristics. The first is that its quartz glass tube is not hot and disorderly. The thermal expansion coefficient of quartz glass is very small, and the thermal stability is good. The coefficient of thermal expansion of quartz glass is very small. It can withstand drastic temperature changes, heat quartz glass to about 1100 degrees, and it will not burst into normal temperature water.

In addition, quartz glass tube is a very good basic material. Quartz glass has excellent comprehensive function. Transparent quartz glass has ultraviolet transmission function and optical function, can be used to manufacture optical instruments, quartz glass is a special industrial technology glass made of silica. Electrical equipment, medical equipment and chemical instruments resistant to high temperature and erosion. The physical function of quartz glass. Can be used at 1100 degrees for a long time, high temperature resistance. The softening point temperature of quartz glass is about 1730 degrees. The temperature can reach 1450 degrees for a short time.

If you would like to know more about nanomembrane quartz heating tubes, please feel free to contact us.

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