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Heating rod use and precautions

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Heating rod use and precautions

Date of release:2019-07-03 Author: Click:

Heating rod is a commonly used aquarium hardware, used for heating the water in the aquarium, heating rod according to its principle and structure can be divided into two categories, one is electronic, using thermistor detection and control temperature, the other is bimetal sheet mechanical temperature control heating rod. It is usually replaced every two years or so. Many turtle friends suffered heavy losses because of the heating rod failure, which also brought great pain to the deceased turtle.

Next, Xiaobian will tell you about the use of heating rods:

1. Whether to warm: turtles that can naturally hibernate, try to hibernate through the winter, seedlings as long as the state is stable, can completely hibernate normally, injured and sick individuals, according to the specific situation. For example, the turtle with a large area of rotting skin is not suitable for hibernation, even if it hibernates, it must be warmed to cure the rotting skin and then gradually cool down, and then hibernate; Individuals with severed fingers and tails or new skin injuries can hibernate as long as the wound is properly treated and there is no sign of infection spreading.

2. Selection of heating rod:

Turtles are different from fish, turtles like to drill and scratch, and the water level of the turtle is generally relatively shallow, the heating rod needs to be horizontal, so it is recommended to choose only stainless steel heating rod, it is not recommended to use any brand and quality of glass heating rod, otherwise it is tantamount to gambling;

The power of the heating rod is selected according to the size of the container, if the power is too large, the water temperature fluctuations are large, and the harm to the turtle is great, the ideal situation is that the heating rod works for more than half an hour before stopping once, and the water temperature fluctuations do not exceed 3 ° C;

In the case of economic conditions, try to choose well-known brands, quality assurance, high safety factor;

Try to test the heating rod once before use, and confirm it carefully with the thermometer before it can be put into formal use.

3. Use of heating rod:

1, the heating rod must all be submerged under the water and have a certain depth, suction cup as far as possible at the bottom of the container rather than suction to the side wall of the container, if the owner needs to work (8-hour working system), should check the water level before departure, to ensure that the water surface from the heating rod body at least 3 centimeters above;

2, again emphasize that do not use the glass heating rod, because the glass heating rod sucker will directly surface and explode after loosening, and the stainless steel heating rod even if it falls off, it is also the bottom;

3, unplug the heating rod power supply 10 minutes before the water change, do not unplug the power immediately after the water change or live operation, unless you want to iron rod through the heart!

There are often a considerable number of turtle friends because of the heating rod burst and distress, light economic losses, heavy mental losses, do not know what I mean.

Heating rod burst problem:

1, the quality of the equipment itself

Do not need to explain, this kind of product light leads to leakage, heavy boiled turtle, so it is recommended that you do not buy too cheap goods, frequent replacement, not good for the environment, and trouble, worry all day, the key is economic is not worth it!

2. Environmental design issues

Two situations, one is that the environment has a relatively hard but not very heavy stone or bottom sand, due to the ill-considered layout, the strong turtle may push the decorative objects in the environment will crack the glass tube wall, this case sounds a little strange, but the actual is still quite a lot.

Another similar situation is more common, that is, the water level is not deep, the fixing of the heating rod is not very good, and the turtle likes to be close to the heating rod, but also likes to drill wildly, which inevitably leads to the heating rod being pushed up, as long as a leak out of the water, the drastic temperature difference will immediately lead to the tube wall cracking, most of this happens in the suction cup of the equipment itself is not good, or it is kept in a plastic container. Because the plastic itself is not very good to be sucked by the suction cup, the same way that the water surface is lower than the heating rod due to evaporation is also a lot of burst.

3. Water change problem

Found that most of their friends do not understand the heating rod burst, most appear in this link. Changing water is a strenuous job, most turtle friends are not willing to go to the tank bit by bit to add water, and some turtle friends will even take a large bucket connected to the tap water to pour into it, followed by a crisp popping sound.

In fact, the reason is very good to explain, the temperature is very low tap water poured on the heating rod or near the place, the drastic temperature difference is too large, the good glass is also dangerous, and many domestic goods production process is very simple, the thickness of the pipe wall is not average, the drastic temperature change leads to the different surface stress, not bad is strange.

4. Take it out frequently

Glass tube and temperature control components are glued, do not rule out the domestic heating rod glue worse, frequent water change, take out, will lead to frequent environmental changes, temperature changes make the glue brittle, as long as there is water leakage, not only burst tube will leak.

Donghai County Anhui quartz Products Co., Ltd. specializes in producing and providing a variety of high-quality electric boiler heating body, if there is demand, welcome to contact!

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