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Water dispenser use attention!

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Water dispenser use attention!

Date of release:2019-10-20 Author: Click:

As a water dispenser heating body manufacturer, today Xiaobian will come to talk with you about the use of water dispensers.

How to clean the water dispenser? You can put all the water inside the water dispenser, and then take off the Ming seat on the water dispenser, and then pour the pure water into the water storage tank, clean the water storage tank, and then open the faucet, and put all the dirty water inside the water tank. Then pour the white vinegar into the water storage tank of the drinking machine, plug in the power supply of the drinking machine again, turn on the power switch of the drinking machine, and heat for 40 minutes; Put all the white vinegar out again, and then rinse with water once or twice. After that, pour 600ml of special cleaning disinfectant into the water storage tank; After 10 minutes, turn on the red faucet until the disinfectant runs out. Then rinse with boiled water or purified water several times; Disinfection and sterilization operation procedures completed.

There are certain precautions for the use of water dispenser heating body. If the drinking water is out of service for a long time, please turn off the switch of the machine and unplug the power plug, then unscrew the drainage valve, drain the remaining water in the machine, and then tighten the drainage valve (pay attention to the hot water burns during the drainage process). Disconnect the power supply as far as possible when not in use at night, which can save energy and ensure safety when no one is in use. In the process of using the machine, it is recommended to clean and disinfect it once every 3 months or so according to the specific situation, and use it for a year. Professional maintenance personnel can be asked to clean the smart seat and the inner liner. Do not use organic solvents such as gasoline to clean the surface of the machine.

If the water dispenser is found to be damaged, it must be replaced with a special cord or contact the dealer. The machine must use a socket with a grounding device and a leakage protector to prevent electrification of the housing. The water dispenser should be placed in a ventilated place to prevent moisture, avoid direct sunlight, and stay away from heating. Should be about 15 cm away from the wall should not be placed near the valuable furniture and other household appliances, so as not to splash water damage items. The water dispenser must be placed smoothly to prevent noise from the machine.

If you want to know more about the water cooler heating body, please feel free to contact us.

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