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Functional characteristics of quartz heating tube

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Functional characteristics of quartz heating tube

Date of release:2019-11-28 Author: Click:

Donghai County Anhui quartz Products Co., Ltd. is a company mainly engaged in various quartz heating tubes, then what are the functional characteristics of quartz heating tubes?

Small size, large power: quartz heating tube mainly uses a cluster of tubular heating elements. Fast thermal response, high temperature control precision, high comprehensive thermal efficiency. High heating temperature: the upper limit of the heater design task temperature can reach 850℃. Medium outlet temperature average, high temperature control precision. Wide use limits, strong compliance: the heater can be used for explosion-proof or popular places, explosion-proof grade up to dⅡB and C, pressure up to 20MPa. Long life, high reliability: the heater is made of extraordinary electric heating data, the design appearance of low power load, and the use of multiple maintenance, so that the safety of the electric heater and life greatly added. Can be fully active control: according to the requirements of the heater circuit design, can facilitate the completion of outlet temperature, flow, pressure and other parameters of the active control, and can be networked with the computer. The energy saving results are obvious, and the heat generated by electric energy is almost 100% transmitted to the heating medium.

Fluid explosion-proof electric heater is a kind of energy consumption into heat energy to heat the material to be heated. In the task, the low-temperature fluid medium enters its inlet under the pressure effect through the pipeline, along the specific heat exchange runner inside the electric heating container, and uses the way designed by the principle of fluid thermodynamics to take away the high temperature heat energy occurring in the task of the electric heating element, so that the temperature of the heated medium increases, and the electric heater outlet obtains the high temperature medium required by the process. The internal control system of the electric heater actively adjusts the output power of the electric heater according to the signal of the temperature sensor at the output outlet to make the medium temperature at the output outlet average. When the fever element overtemperature, the self-heating maintenance installation of the fever element immediately cut off the heating power supply, prevent the overheating of the heating material from causing disintegration, coking, carbonization, and burn out the fever element when severe, which is useful to extend the service life of the electric heater.

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