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The difference between quartz tube and glass tube

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The difference between quartz tube and glass tube

Date of release:2020-02-09 Author: Click:

Quartz tube is a special industrial technology glass made of silica, which is a very good basic material. Quartz tube can be roughly divided into the following types: transparent quartz tube, filter ultraviolet quartz tube, color quartz tube and so on. Quartz glass has a series of excellent physical and chemical properties. The variety of glass is rich and can meet the different needs of different occasions. By adjusting the material and process of glass manufacturing, manufacturers can make great changes in the nature of glass materials, so as to make it more stable and durable. For example, the commonly used tempered glass is not only much stronger than ordinary glass, but also the debris will not hurt, safe and reliable. So what is the difference between quartz tube and glass tube?

The material of quartz tube is mainly silica, and the hardness and transparency are higher than that of glass tube; And the quartz tube is resistant to high temperature, wear and tear, and has stronger oxidation resistance. The composition of the glass tube is sodium silicate, silicon dioxide and calcium silicate, mainly sodium silicate, his hardness, transparency, high temperature resistance, wear resistance are much worse. Quartz glass tube is a special industrial technology glass made of silica, which is a very good basic material. Quartz glass has a series of excellent physical and chemical properties. Used in electric fire barrel, electric oven, electric heater inside, play a heating role.

In general, quartz tube has good physical and chemical properties. Quartz tube is resistant to high temperature and corrosion, and its thermal stability is good, good light transmission performance, good electrical insulation performance. Because of its excellent physical and chemical properties, quartz glass is widely used in various fields such as electric light source, semiconductor, optical communication, military, metallurgy, building materials, chemistry, machinery, electric power, environmental protection and so on.

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